learning french easily

Tips to learn the French language quite easily

 Tips to Learn French

Written and oral side

1) You should try to master the rules 100%, because it enables mastery of language rules king half or more, and give the right rules and do not ignore it .

2) Save the largest number of words; because any language you do not know a great deal of her words, you will not be able to speak or understand.

3) Save the list of verbs and conjugation.

I remind you, my brother, that if you use these tips you will have mastered the written language, but! Will remain for have awe conversation and incomprehension 100% when you hear someone speaking French ..

In order to have mastered this aspect Here are some tips:

) Tried a lot of hearing the French language, whether on television or tapes .. , In the beginning will not understand roughly only 10% of what I've heard, but if you consistently to listen your level will rise. And do not forget always write what I understand, and never give up.

2) Try to be relationships with people who are fluent French to strengthen the language of dialogue you have.

3) Do not tell yourself you speak error, but mind that you have mastered the language, and speak and do not be afraid, you that errors occurred in this time will not bring them back the next time, and do not forget that we are from our mistakes we learn "

2 * to use the language on a daily basics ...

If you want to learn any language, regardless of her (English, Spanish or French, etc.) should you experienced .. Means use it on a daily basis and in any way .. Are you connected to important in. .. For example, and you are sitting think Solve spoke with yourself or with anyone second .. I have friends speak fluent English and ČÓ trait alleged paper writes what is known and not a word .. Why??? He always uses the language in the work speaks with this and Solve with that and laughed ! .. By virtue of the nature of their work that they were working with foreigners speak English! Intention of talking to you that you should always use them and never! You conservation .. And diligence .. "
3 * training on characters

"I advise French first language learners powerfully characters well-polished especially Arabs have Xue difficulty pronouncing the letter e and the distinction between him and u"

4 * hearing for Media, learn the rules .. Etc.

: Learn the basic rules of French, including the installation of simple sentence = conscience (or name or phrase nominal) + reaction bank (in the past perfect, in the present présent, in the future futur and the ramifications for all time times again just as in English) + He (may be effect if the act was not necessary and it may be a matter time or place, a neighbor and entrained .... etc.)

Get used to the language through hearing the media and television, even without understanding

After a little progress in level, who wants to learn the language but a lot of reading .. especially short poems

Last tip: try to move away from the poems La Fontaine les fables de la fontaine despite the it is very entertaining but they are a tough challenge for new language learners .. because it is written in French language very classic, very upscale and very difficult - it dating back to the 17th century AD -


5 * to practice and practice the language sentences

I am of my test most important that start to save the famous actsverbs
Because the verb is the lifeblood of sentence
And then search for simple sentences and used on a daily basics
The most important that French save as phrases and the common mistake is to save the Vocabulary

And any one want to  study French versed needed remains linked to the your basic language
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6 * Internet use

Educational forums that contain a tremendous amount of lessons and links to educational sites and a variety of specialized articles in French, which may benefit the language learner .. Language is not gaining the study and conservation only, but in practice, learning and viewing.

As well as having some of the CDs in computer stores to teach French and characterized by the presence of audio materials help improve pronunciation. "


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